Thursday, September 17, 2009

bho shambho

I found the lyrics and translation for Dayanand Saraswathi's Bho Shambho but think a word-to-word meaning might be helpful.I could not find a hindi or Sanskrit version of the lyrics and hope to update as I research more. I finally transliterated the lyrics to Hindi myself, thanks to "Google". Please ignore any  mistakes !

taaLam: aadi
Composer: Dayaananda Saraswati
Language: Sanskrit

भो! शम्भो शिव शम्भो स्वयम्भो !
bhO shambhO shiva shambhO svayambhO
Word to word meaning
Bho= OH!; ShambhU(pronunciatin shambhuhu)= causing happiness and granting prospoerity,; Shiva=Lord Shiva; Svayam= self; bhu= exist, earth
Oh, granter of prosperity! Shiva! The self-formed one!
Shambhu means a content man while Shambhuhu (with the : after shambhu)means granter of happiness and prosperity. Here Dayanand Saraswathi is describing Shiva with his names.

गंगाधर शंकर करुणाकरा मामव भव सागर तारका
gangAdhara shankara karuNAkara mAmava bhavasAgara tAraka
Word to word meaning
Ganga=river Ganga; dhara= wear,carry,bear; shankara(Shankh+hara)=doubt+destroyer; karunakara(kanuna+kara)= mercyful, mamava= my,mine; bhava+sagara=worldly ocean; taraka=belonging to the stars,causing or enabling to pass/cross over
The bearer of Ganga! the destroyer of Obstacles!The merciful One!My ocean of wordliness's star

caraNam 1
निर्गुण परब्रह्मा स्वरूप गमगमा भूत प्रपंच रहिता
निज गुहा  निहित नितान्ता अनंता अनंदा अतिशय अक्षय लिंगा
nirguNa parabrahma svarUpa gamAgama bhUta prapanca rahita
nija guhanihita nitAnta ananta Ananda atishaya akSayalinga
Word to word meaning
nirguna= devoid of qualities; Parabrahma= the supreme truth; swaroopa=self-form; gama-gama= moting,fleeting; bhoota= of existing, elemental(earth,fire, water etc.); prapanca= world; rahita= lacking, deserting;
nija= truthful ;guha= cavity, cave; nihita= placed,reside; nitanta= exceptionally, extra-ordinary; anantha= endless; ananda= happiness; atishaya=wonderful; akshaya= eternal, impreishable; linga=LinGA
The un-qualified Supreme truth's self-form art thou, you are above/not touched by the fleeting world of existence...
You reside in the cave of truth, you are extraordinary and endless, You are the bestower of happiness, wonderful and the eternal linga.

caraNam 2
धिमिता धिमित धिमि धिमिकिट तकातोम  तोम  तोम तरिकिट  तरिकिट  तक तोम
मतंग मुनिवरा वन्दित ईशा सर्वा दिगम्भर वेष्टिता वेषा
नित्य निरन्तर नित्य नतेश ईशा सबेश  सर्वेश
dhimita dhimita dhimi dhimikiTa kiTatOm tOm tOm tarikiTa tarikiTakiTa tOm
matanga munivara vandita Isha sarva digambara vESTita vESa
nitya niranjana nitya naTEsha Isha sabEsha sarvEsha
Word to word meaning
matanga= Sage who wrote about raga...... munivara= the best of the munis; vanditha=prayed/saluted; Isha= God;sarva= all; digambara=attire of the space/universe;vestithaवेष्टित=wrapped, enveloped; vesha=dress;nitya= eternal; niranjanaनिरञ्जन=immaculate, spotless,pure;nTesha= the God of Dance; Isha=God; Sabesha= :(could not find the exact meaning ;sarvesha=God of all...
Sage Matanga's ever worshipped God/Master; the wearer of all pervading universe as dress;the eternal, immaculate God of Dance. You are Master, sabesha and Universal Supreme being.
